Friday, March 29, 2013

This is starting to get uncomfortable...

So .... yeah ... my not-yet-four-year-old continues to lead the OTP. In addition to having FGCU advance to the Sweet 16, he picked both Syracuse and Marquette to advance to the Elite Eight. I am not sure how to feel. Part of me wants to laugh ... this again just reinforces what a crap shoot this contest can be. Part of me is squirming uncomfortably though. If I were an OTP participant I would certainly be thinking, "Ok, seriously, the dude's 4 year old is winning this? Yeah, this is a total scam." This is the only proof I have to offer - well other than the picture from last week's blog of JJ making his picks - that  this is all on the up-and-up. I took some screen-caps of the email receipt:

On the other hand, the offspring of other OTPers are doing well too. The young Dehner's are both within striking distance of the lead, Brendan in 2nd place and Patrick in 11th. But of course Indiana and Miami's losses crushed many a bracket. We shall see how the high seeds fair tonight. I actually have to do work - I know, right? - this "Good" Friday, but I will be back tomorrow with the updated scores heading into this weekend's Elite Eight, and the Annual OTP awards. Til then...


  1. Ohh, the pains of peaking in life at such a young age! When he's in juvvie hall, everyone will ask, "Where were the parents?" :)

  2. Let the record indicate that there was at least one, however brief, moment that I was in first place (OK, tied for first, but still. . . ) before I meet my most inevitable doom. GO FLYERS!!!
