Sunday, March 29, 2009

Et alors il y avait quatre...

Pardon my French, but Zut Alors! we finally got a few humdinger games, none more scintillating and rewarding then the 'Nova defeat of Pitt. I so wished I could have been in Pburgh for that contest, hanging out in the SportsRock Cafe as Scottie Reynolds ensured his place in the "One Shining Moment" highlights. I can hear the befuddled conversation now...
  • Pittsburgh Basketball Ignoramus #1: "Shooot, why didn't we score more points!? I'm tellin' ya, if we had just scored more points we coulda won this thing!"
  • Pittsburgh Basketball Ignoramus #2: "Nawww, more baskets, is what we needed! If we could have made two or three more baskets I bet we'd had a chance!"
  • Pittsburgh Basketball Ignoramus #1: "Well, whatever, this darned basketedball thing was distracting me from the Penguins anyways. Playoffs start soon!"
  • Pittsburgh Basketball Ignoramus #2: "Who the Steelers gonna draft?"
Now, mind you, I'm a tremendous fan of the Steel City and its denizens are generally fine folks. The town, however, is a dud as a bball town, and the only time they pay attention is when the Panthers are doing well. Even then, the Penguins often end up on the bar TV's.

Well Pitt and L'Ville's losses certainly destroyed the brackets of many. In fact nary an OTP participant manage to get the Final Four right. Kudos to Denise Monahan and Tery Baskin for being the only one out of 46 to just miss one. Tery, Jimmy, and Denise were the only pickers to have Sparty in the Final Four. And Sierra Martin and Emily Reklaitis were the only two to have Villanova in the Final Four. The fact that they are 5 years old and nearly 3 years old, respectively, demonstrates again, that this thing takes little B-Ball knowledge! Here's 'lil Em' doing her 'Nova Wildcat roar...

Who's gonna win? Well, I'll join you mid-week to give you the Final Four breakdown. Until then...

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