10:25 PM Eastern Time, and I finally have the chance to sit down and get to the OTP Awards. This year's OTP Awards will feature both our competitors and those actually participating in the tourney.
Seth Davis of SI.com already issued his own awards for the first two rounds. Good stuff, I managed to watch about 85% of the first two rounds, so I'm basing my awards on what I got to see (and a little youtube clip of a moment I didn't get to see). Without further ado...
Best First Round Performance AwardFor the second year in a row (!) goes to
Trudy McPhail who beat her own 27 of 32 performance last year with an impressive 28 of 32!
As for our on-court performers, the award goes to the wonderfully named Jimmer Fredette of BYU who smacked 37 points on Florida in a behind-the-back-scoop-layup-and-crazy-25-foot-three-pointer performance. Had this occurred in last year's tourney, I guarantee one of my 10 month old sons would be named Jimmer right now. In fact, since I'm home with the lot by myself tomorrow, a trip to the courthouse may be in order.
Best Second Round Performance:Is captured by
Pat Lynch. In spite of his choice of Richmond as a Sweet 16 participant (he does live in Virginia after all - state motto: "Virginia is for lovers."), Pat managed to navigate the troubled waters that plagued most of our participants in the second round. Well done Mr. Lynch.
On the court, there's two choices: First, the obvious: Mr. Farokhmanesh of Northern Iowa. The dude's on fire and why the hell not take a three with lots of time on the clock when you know it's money! His diminutive size just cemented the David v Goliath result even if historically this was just a biblical fallacy (yeah, that means it never happened).
#2, would be #4. The jersey worn by one Chris Kramer of Purdue (featured in the first rendition of this blog) who just decided, screw it, time to win the game. The result is feature
here. I can't stop watching it...
Worst First Round Performance:...in the OTP goes to ....Alex Mitchell. He's 5 and his parents forced him to do this so that I would still be their friend. Hopefully this does not scar the young lad too much (then again he's lived in LA, New Jersey, and Columbus, OH). Dallas Martin, on the other hand, is an adult, who should be able to handle ridicule, therefore he wins the prize with 17 of 32 correct picks.
In my opinion, worst first round performance in the Tourney goes to the refs of the Villanova-Robert Morris game. Good lord! At one point Scottie Reynolds dribbled the ball off his foot and they called a foul! Not on his foot, but on the Robert Morris player who was 2 feet away!!!!!! Hideous. Thankfully the Gaels of St. Mary's righted the karmic world with a smack down of the 'Cats.
Worst Second Round Performance:
Belongs to well Alex again, but we'll blame his parents for this, and frankly Kevin Harkin (a former OTP champion) only had one pick better than young Alex, so you Kev, our the biggest loser. 5 of 16 correct picks does not do you proud my friend. We still love our past champs though.
The Tourney award goes to the entire Kansas team, who managed to blow the best chance of any team (including Purdue with Hummel) to take the title. I'd say wait 'til next year boys, but I think your ship has sailed.
Well, I'm going to head to bed in the hopes that my boys will sleep through the night. That, unfortunately, has the same likelihood of happening as Gene Keady forgoing the comeover . Therfore, my friends, I bid you good night. Stay tuned, however, as I will encapsulate the picks of the OTP competitors in tomorrow's edition of the OTP Update. 'Nite.